
Delaware Department of Labor Logo

Delaware Department of Labor

Federal Workers Impacted by Recent Employment Separations

Federal workers, Delaware’s Division of Unemployment Insurance is here to help you!

The Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program provides unemployment compensation benefits to eligible federal workers who lose their job through no fault of their own. UCFE is administered by the states, who act as agents of the federal government. In general, the unemployment insurance laws of the state in which you had your official duty station in federal civilian service will be used to determine eligibility for UCFE benefits. The same terms and conditions that apply to individuals eligible for regular state unemployment benefits will apply to UCFE claimants. The eligibility requirements for UCFE claims are the same as for regular unemployment claims.

Unemployment Insurance Resources

If you worked as a federal civilian employee and became unemployed and your last 5 days of employment was completed in Delaware. You can file an Unemployment Insurance Claim at

Make sure to select yes, when asked “have you worked for the federal government during the past 18 months?”.

Make sure to keep a record of your claim confirmation number prior to selecting the submit claim button. If you fail to select the “certify claim” button, your claim will not be submitted.

You will receive a confirmation email once your claim has been submitted. The email will provide you with your next steps.

You will receive a letter outlying important steps you need to follow.

If all your wages were earned in Delaware you will receive two monetary determinations, the first monetary determination will not have a dollar value.  You will be required to provide the Division of Unemployment Insurance with a copy of the following documents:

  1. W2 for tax years 2023 & 2024;
  2. Most recent paystub;
  3. Copy of your SF-8 (Notice to Federal Employee About Unemployment Insurance) or Form 50 (Notification of Personnel Action); and
  4. Required signed UCFE affidavit (that you will receive in the mail).

An updated monetary determination will be mailed to you outlining the following details:

  • Claim date;
  • Claim expiration date;
  • Number of weeks you are eligible for benefits;
  • Weekly benefit amount;
  • Maximum benefit amount; and
  • Federal agency you worked for.

In Delaware, weeks of Unemployment Insurance starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.  Once you submit your initial claim you will be required to submit a weekly certification to request unemployment insurance benefits.  This certification is how unemployment tracks you.  When you submit your weekly certification on Sunday you are submitting a request for unemployment insurance payment for the prior week.  If you submit your claim on Friday your first weekly certification cannot be submitted until Tuesday.  Weekly certification can be submitted using web-benefits or tele-benefits at (302) 761-6576 or 1(800) 794-3032.  A weekly certification should be submitted every week you are unemployed.

You will be required to create a PIN when you process your 1st Pay authorization submission whether web-benefits or tele-benefits.

This pin is unique to you and should not be shared with anyone.  If you input 9999, you will be prompted to RESET your PIN.    

In order to process your unemployment claim, you will be required to complete ID.ME identity verification

To continue to collect unemployment benefits:

  • You will be required to register with Delaware Job link
  • To actively look for work weekly
  • To be able and available for work

You can familiarize yourself with unemployment rules and regulations by reviewing the UI Guide to Unemployment benefits at

If you worked for a private employer that had a contract with the federal government and you lost your job through no fault of your own, you may file a claim, instead of filing a UCFE claim.

Federal Employees on Administrative Leave

If you have been placed on administrative leave and are stilling being paid your salary, you are still considered employed.  If you are separated at a later time from your employment, you may be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits if you meet the requirements. The Division of Unemployment Insurance will review your reason for separation, along with other eligibility requirements, and will make a determination. Once you become unemployed you will need to follow the same guidelines as a federal separated employees and provide a copy of your lay off letter with your SF-8, Form-50 and the UCFE affidavit (that you will receive in the mail). 

Additional Guidance about UCFE Program
Federal employees can obtain additional information about the UCFE program here:

Contact Us

If you submitted a claim but failed to indicate you worked for the federal government, please contact us immediately so we can process your claim correctly and ensure we have the required information to process your claim. 

Our offices are open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 4:00pm

Telephone (302)-761-8446 Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm

Wilmington Local Office 4425 North Market Street Wilmington, DE 19802

Newark Local Office 252 Chapman Rd Suite 252 Newark, DE 19702

Dover Local Office 655 S. Bay Road Suite 2H Dover, DE  19901 (located in the back of the building)

Georgetown Local Office 8 Georgetown Plaza Suite 2 Georgetown, DE 19947
