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Delaware Department of Labor


Delaware Division of Unemployment Insurance Announces New Tax Schedules for 2025

WILMINGTON, Del. (Jan. 31, 2025) — The Delaware Division of Unemployment Insurance recently announced, under House Bill 433, newly established tax schedules for 2025. The tax schedule to be used will be determined by the calculation of the average high-cost multiple (AHCM) for the Delaware

unemployment insurance trust fund. The AHCM, a commonly used actuarial measure of unemployment insurance trust fund solvency, is a way to measure how strong the unemployment insurance (UI) trust fund is. In other words, it represents the relationship between the money currently in the trust fund and the predicted payout of unemployment benefits. Read more

The Delaware Department of Labor Advises the Public Regarding the “Triggering Off” of High Unemployment Period (HUP) and Extended Benefits (EB)

(Wilmington, DE) – The Delaware Department of Labor advised the public today of the “Triggering Off” of High Unemployment Period (HUP) and Extended Benefits (EB) Unemployment Insurance Programs on December 19, 2020, and January 9, 2021, respectively. Read more

On Monday, September 28, 2020, the Delaware Department of Labor issued a press release announcing the extension of unemployment benefits, triggered by Delaware’s high jobless rate. Delaware’s three-month average, seasonally adjusted unemployment rate as of August 2020, was 10.6%.

February 8, 2021

yellow background that says "update" in bold blue letters. laptop that says "delaware department of labor" on the screen sitting on a desk

Upcoming Bank Holiday and Potential Claimant Benefits Delays

Monday, Feb. 15th, 2021, is a bank holiday. As a result, claimant payments will be processed on Tuesday the 16th, and claimants could experience a payment delay.

This delay could be up to 24-48 hours if claimants receive their benefits by direct deposit, or an additional one to two weeks to receive their benefits payments if delivered by check.

We encourage claimants to wait until the communicated delay window has closed before contacting our offices regarding the status of benefits payments.

January 28, 2021

Delaware Division of Unemployment Insurance: FAQs Regarding Income Tax Form 1099-G

Form 1099-G, Statement for Recipients of Certain Government Payments, is issued to any individual who received Delaware Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits for the prior calendar year. The 1099-G reflects Delaware’s UI benefit payment amounts that were issued within that calendar year. This may be different from the week of unemployment for which the benefits were paid. 

Read the Frequently Asked Questions Here.

File UI Appeals via Email

Claimants can now file your Appeals by email.
When filing your appeal please indicate your FULL NAME, ADDRESS, DOCKET # ON THE DETERMINATION and THE REASON FOR YOUR APPEAL.

Study Finds Electronic Unemployment Insurance Data Submission Tool a “Game-Changer” in Accuracy, Timeliness, and Reducing Man Hours

A study conducted earlier this year found when state and territory Unemployment Insurance (UI) agencies, in conjunction with small and large employers, and third-party employer representatives, utilized the secure State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES), a tool administrated by the National Association of State Workforce Agencies, (NASWA), to transmit and verify UI claims information pertaining to former employees, the relevant data was significantly more accurate and timely than that of entities who did not utilize SIDES. Furthermore, employers of all sizes and third-party employer representatives who utilized SIDES to transmit and verify UI claims data with UI agencies experienced a remarkable reduction in man hours spent and paperwork associated with traditional verification of former employee UI claims data.

More Info

Making Home Affordable Program (MHA)

The Making Home Affordable Program (MHA) is a program of the U.S Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development designed to help homeowners obtain mortgage relief and avoid foreclosure. See specific information about MHA.

Phishing Scam

If you receive an email from “Support Team” with the subject heading–Unemployment Advisory: Direct Deposit Card that requests that you take certain actions and provide personal information, please “DO NOT RESPOND” as this email is not from the Delaware Division of Unemployment Insurance and appears to be a phishing scam to obtain information for illegal purposes.

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