
Delaware Department of Labor Logo

Delaware Department of Labor

Create your My.Delaware Credentials

If you already have a LaborFirst account, click below to sign into your portal. If this is your first time here, see How to Sign Up below. 

In order to access LaborFirst, you’ll need a My.Delaware account. Follow the steps below to create your My.Delaware account.

  1. If you’re creating an employer account, click here. If you’re creating a TPA account, click here.
  2. Click Sign Up on this screen to begin:
thumbnail image of the signup screen

Tips for the Sign-Up process 

  • When registering, use your legal name as it appears on your drivers license or a passport. 
  • Use an email address that you can check during the registration process, as the system will need to verify your email address. This email should be unique to you and not a shared email address.
  • Make sure you select the correct option from the Account Purpose dropdown
    For Myself (select this option if you are a Claimant)
    For My Business (select this option if you are an Employer)
    Third Party Administrator (select this option if you are a TPA)
thumbnail image of dropdown menu

 For More Help with the Security Section 

The registration process guides you through the process of adding a security layer to your account. It can be a complex process, but it’s essential for keeping your account secure.   

  • If the on-screen prompts are confusing, this document and this video can provide additional help.    
  • If you are unable to complete the credentialing process, please call 302-761-8375.