The purpose of this policy/procedure is to establish a mechanism for referral among One-Stop partners.
There are two key directories that will make this possible:
- Directory of Services – This information, provided and maintained by the partners, consists of program description and a three-month schedule of available services. This will be available through Delaware JobLink (DJL).
- Directory of Program contacts – This information, provided by the partners, will consist of a single point of contact as well as an alternate.
Referrals will be made through a centralized referral unit located in the Division of Employment and Training. This unit will be staffed by two individuals, paid for by the Division of Employment & Training until an automated referral tool can be operationalized.
To make a referral to any partner program found at, complete the electronic form here.
The minimum information required for a referral is:
- Clients name
- Service/Workshop requested
- Location requested
- Choice of three dates requested
- Staff requesting email and phone number
The unit staff can be reached by e-mail at or at either of the following telephone numbers: 302-530-7392 or 302-540-5673
The process will be as follows:
- The partner will notify the referral unit of the requested referral.
- The referral unit will notify the partner providing the service of the referral.
- The partner providing the service will accept the referral or provide the reason for the rejection.
- The referral unit will notify the referral partner of the status.
- The referral partner will provide the necessary information to the customer referred.
- The partner providing the service will notify the referral unit regarding whether the customer attended.
- The referral unit will notify the partner that made the referral whether the customer attended (this step closes the referral).
Related Topics: Employment & Training, JobLink