The Department of Labor can collect minimum wages on behalf of Delaware workers. Effective January 1, 2022 Delaware’s minimum hourly wage rate is $10.50.
Delaware’s minimum hourly wage will increase incrementally on January 1 of the next three years, to $11.75 in 2023, $13.25 in 2024, and $15.00 in 2025.
Employees Who Receive Tips:
- The minimum cash wage payable to employees who receive tips is $2.23 per hour.
- Tips may not be taken or retained by an employer except as required by law.
- Tip pooling is permitted (under certain circumstances) in an amount not to exceed 15% of the actual tips received by the employee.
Minimum Wage Exemptions:
- Employees in agriculture
- Employees in domestic service in or about private homes
- Employees of the United States Government
- Outside commission-paid salespeople
- Bona fide executives, administrators, and professionals
- Employees engaged in fishing and fish processing at sea
- Volunteer workers (for educational, religious, or non-profit organizations)
- Junior camp counselors employed by non-profit summer camp programs
- Inmates participating in Department of Correction programs
Record-Keeping Requirements:
Employers must keep records, including rates of pay, hours worked, and the amount paid for each worker, for at least three (3) years.
Office of Wage & Hour Navigation
Related Topics: Labor Law, Minimum Wage