
Delaware Department of Labor Logo

Delaware Department of Labor

Awareness Training

A training room.

DVR is an excellent consultant when it comes to disability issues. We are able to design and implement a training program while focusing on the needs of your business. Some of the training programs which we will tailor for you are:

Accommodation in the Workplace Training

This training focuses on how to have an effective dialogue with your employee about accommodations. This training will link you to additional resources that may be available to your business.

Interviewing Dos and Don’ts Training

This specialized seminar provides tips on how to interview applicants who have disabilities. We’ll discuss how to get the information you need without asking inappropriate questions.

Disability Etiquette in the Workplace Training

This seminar on disability etiquette will teach you and your staff the preferred etiquette in greeting, interviewing, and offering your products & services to people with disabilities.

How to Identify the Essential Functions of a Job

Essential functions are the basic job duties that an employee must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation. In fact, it is important to know the key job tasks for all positions within your business. This seminar will help you and your human resources staff to identify the key tasks in any job assignment.

Disability Awareness Training

These seminars will show how attitudes and biases about disabilities can impact your customer service and hiring practices. They can either be customized to educate your staff about specific disabilities or designed as generic overviews.

DVR and A Comfy Pet Grooming Salon OJT partnership

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