
Delaware Department of Labor Logo

Delaware Department of Labor

State Rehabilitation Council Members

Picture of the State Rehabilitation Council Logo

Members of the SRC shall be appointed by the Governor. The Governor will select members after soliciting recommendations from representatives of organizations representing a broad range of individuals with disabilities and organizations interested in individuals with disabilities.


Membership is obtained from SRC members or other organizations interested in individuals with disabilities, identifying and recommending individuals interested in serving on the SRC. Recommendations are sent to the SRC’s Membership Committee and if approved, then they are sent to the Governor’s office.


Each member of the SRC shall serve for a term of three years and no member may serve more than two consecutive terms unless that member meets an exception as described in section 105 of the Rehab Act of 1973.

Members serving in leadership positions such as the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and the Past Chairperson, are for a term of two years, inclusive of a three-year term. There should be at least one representative from the:

  • State Independent Living Council
  • Parent Information Center
  • Client Assistance Program
  • Community rehabilitation service providers
  • State Workforce Investment Board
  • Department of Education
  • Representatives of business, industry and labor.
  • Representatives of disability advocacy groups.
  • Current or former recipients or applicants of vocational rehabilitation services
  • A qualified vocational rehabilitation counselor.
  • Director of DVR. (serving as ex officio, non-voting member)

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Delaware SRC, please complete the application online.

The application may also be downloaded, completed, and returned to:

  • Via e-mail to:
  • Via U.S. Mail to:
    SRC Membership c/o Elisha Jenkins
    Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
    4425 North Market Street, 3rd Floor
    Wilmington, DE 19802
  • Via fax to: SRC Membership/Elisha Jenkins (302) 736-9197

Do you have a question about the Council or wish to contact the Council? If you have a question that you would like answered regarding the Council activities call – 302-761-8275.

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