Project SEARCH is a business-led, school-to-work program that began in Cincinnati, Ohio, and has since spread across the globe. Transition students in their final year of high school participate in classroom activities and work experiences entirely at the workplace. Here they acquire competitive, marketable, and transferable skills, enabling them to apply for jobs related to the skills developed during their internship. Students also build communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills that are important to their overall development as young workers.
As of May 2024, Project SEARCH has over 717 Program Sites located in 10 Countries. 48 sites are located in the USA, 4 within the State of Delaware. Over 43,315 students have been served globally since 2010.
Below is a list of Delaware’s Project SEARCH sites, along with a list of the community partners who work alongside DVR to make the program possible.
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Related Topics: DVR, Internship, Transition, Vocational Rehabilitation