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Delaware Department of Labor


Staffing & Workforce Recruitment

You’re seeking capable individuals to hire for open positions within your business. With so many candidates, it can be a daunting task to screen all the applications you receive. By contacting DVR about our business services, you will indeed access one of the largest pools of untapped talent.

In the event that you choose DVR as your recruiter, we can match your needs and job requirements with qualified, job-ready candidates.

Two people discussing DVR Business Services

Services We Offer

Connecting with DVR will accelerate your hiring process and fulfill the needs of your business. With this in mind, below are services we provide at no cost to you.

Pre-Screening – We know your most pressing concern is whether an applicant has appropriate soft skills, a clean record, and talent do the job. So, each job-ready applicant is pre-screened to ensure that their knowledge, skills, and abilities are well suited for the job openings in your business.

Post-Hire Follow-up – You may have questions or concerns related to an employee you’ve hired through DVR. If so, we are available to assist you with answering your questions and resolving your concerns. Also, we will continue to work with you to meet your future needs as your business demands change.

Outplacement Assistance – Do you have an employee who has acquired a disability and can no longer work in their current position? In that case, DVR is available to provide outplacement services and will help to find the individual new employment.

Job-Site Training – Your new employee may need assistance to learn the tasks required to do their job. However, DVR may provide an onsite trainer who will help the employee learn specific tasks of their job.

Take a look at our Services for Business brochure. It gives an overview of the services DVR offers to businesses to assist them with hiring and retaining skilled and talented individuals with disabilities.

DVR and A Comfy Pet Grooming Salon OJT partnership

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